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2022-05-13 16:51:32

        徐沛,博士、研究员、博士生导师,中国计量大学生命科学学院院长,浙江省特色农产品品质及危害物控制技术重点实验室主任。主要研究方向为园艺植物表型组学与质量安全性状遗传改良、药食同源组分的作用机理。主持国家重点研发计划政府间重点专项、国家自然科学基金委中国—以色列联合研究项目、国家高层次人才特殊支持计划、浙江省重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金面上项目等多项;获浙江省科技进步二、三等奖各1项。作为通讯/第一作者在The Plant Cell、Plant Physiol、Plant Biotechnol J 、Plant J等本领域重要期刊发表SCI论文60余篇,主编学术著作3部(章)。获美国发明专利1件,中国发明专利和计算机软著授权10余件。兼任国际豆类学会(ILS)学术委员会委员、中国园艺学会豆类蔬菜分会副理事长、青年分会常务理事、浙江省植物生理与分子生物学学会常务理事、全国蔬菜标准化技术委员会委员; Plant Breeding、Biochemical Genetics、Vegetable Research、Legume Research等期刊副主编。入选国家级青年人才,获评“浙江省农业科技先进工作者”(2021)。

        Dr. Xu received his PhD from Nanjing Agricultural University in 2008. In 2010 and 2012, he worked as a visiting scientist at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and UC-Riverside, respectively. Currently he is a professor and dean at the College of Life Sciences of China Jiliang University in Hangzhou, leading the Lab of Plant Phenomics and Safety & Quality Traits Improvement.

Research interests

Dr. Xu’s research focuses on phenomics, genetics and molecular biology of quality & safety traits, such as water relations, hazardous/nutrient elements uptake and distribution in vegetable crops especially vegetable legumes). State-of-the-art phenotyping tools including Plantarrays and wearable nano-sensors are being deployed in his research, in combination with advanced genetic tools e.g. functional mapping and systems mapping, aiming to fill the longstanding geno-pheno gap. Downstream, both traditional breeding strategies and modern approaches such as (re)sequencing and KASP assay are being applied to gain knowledge to accelerate plant breeding. Current main research projects include: 1) joint phenomic-genomic approach to dissect dynamic drought stress response traits; 2) Dissecting the molecular mechanisms underpinning phytohemagglutinin accumulation in beans; and 3) Genetic and molecular approaches toward balancing growth, quality and safety.

Awards & Academic Services

Top-notch Young Scholar, National Ten-Thousand Talents Program

Vice chair of the Vegetable Legume Section, Chinese Society for Horticultural Sciences

Executive council member of the Young Section, Chinese Society for Horticultural Sciences

Scientific committee member of International Legume Society

Associate editor of the journal “Plant Breeding” (Wiley)

Associate editor of the journal “Legume Research” (ARCC)

Associate editor of the journal “Vegetable Research” (Maximun)

Associate editor of the journal “Biochemical Genetics” (SpringerNature)

Selected Publications

Wu XY, Chen ST, Zhang ZX, Zhou WX, Sun T, Ning K, Xu M, Ke XB, Xu P* (2024) A viral siRNA-host plant mRNA pathway modulates virus-induced drought tolerance by enhancing autophagy. The Plant Cell. 36: 3219–3236.

Sun T, Shi Z, Jiang RJ, Moshelion M, Xu P* (2024) Converging functional phenotyping with systems mapping to illuminate the genotype-phenotype associations. Horticulture Research. uhae256. DOI: 10.1093/hr/uhae256.

Sun T, Cheng R, Jiang RJ, Liu YX, Sun YD, Wang ZY, Fang PP, Wu XY, Ning K, Xu P* (2023) Combining functional physiological phenotyping and simulation model to estimate dynamic water use efficiency and infer transpiration sensitivity traits. Eur J Agron. 150:126955.

Wu XY, Zhang PP, Chen ST, Zhang ZX, Zhang YH, Fang PP, Ning K, Sun T, Xu P* (2023) A molecular toolkit to boost functional genomic studies in transformation-recalcitrant vegetable legumes. Horticulture Research. 10: uhad064.

Fang PP, Sun T, Pandey AK, Jiang LB, Wu XY, Hu YN, Cheng SP, Li XF, Zhang PP, Xu P* (2023) Understanding water conservation vs. profligation traits in vegetable legumes through a physio-transcriptomic-functional approach. Horticulture Research. 10: uhac287.

Fang PP, Hu YN, Xia WJ, Wu XY, Sun T, Pandey AK, Ning K, Zhu C, Xu P* (2023) Transcriptome dynamics of common bean roots exposed to various heavy metals reveal valuable target genes and promoters for genetic engineering. J Agric Food Chem. 71: 223-233.

Sun T, Hu YN, Wang ZY, Xia WJ, Lv QQ, Wang YG, Fang PP, Xu P* (2022) A tissue atlas of cadmium accumulation and the correlation with thiol-containing chelates in zucchini provide insights into cadmium partitioning and food safety. J Hazard Mater. 421: 126756. DOI:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.126756.

Pandey AK, Jiang LB, Moshelion M*, Gosa SC, Sun T, Lin Q, Wu RL*, Xu P* (2021) Functional physiological phenotyping with functional mapping: a general framework to bridge the phenotype-genotype gap in plant physiology. iScience. 24:s102846. DOI:10.1016/j.isci.2021.102846.

Xu P*, Wang Y, Sun F, Wu R*, Du H, Wang Y, Jiang L, Wu X, Wu X, Yang L, Xing N, Hu Y, Wang B, Huang Y, Tao Y, Gao Q, Liang C, Li Y, Lu Z, Li G* (2021) Long-read genome assembly and genetic architecture of fruit shape in the bottle gourd. Plant J. 107:956-968.

Fang P, Sun T, Wang YG, Ding Y, Pandey AK, Zhu C, Xu P* (2021) Plant gasotransmitters: light molecules interplaying with heavy metals. Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol. 20:31-53.

Pandey AK, Rubiales D, Wang Y, Fang P, Sun T, Liu N, Xu P* (2021) Omics resources and omics-enabled approaches for achieving high productivity and improved quality in pea (Pisum sativum L.). Theor Appl Genet. 134(3), 755-776.

Li YW, Wu XY, Xu WZ, Sun YD, Wang YD, Li GJ, Xu P* (2021) High-throughput physiology-based stress response phenotyping: advantages, applications and perspective in horticultural plants. Hort Plant J. 7 (3): 181-187.

Wang Y, Wang LP, Xing NL, Wu XH, Wu XY, Wang BG, Lu ZF, Wang YH*, Tao Y, Li GJ, Xu P* (2020) A universal pipeline for mobile mRNA detection and insights into heterografting advantages under chilling stress. Hortic Res. 7:13.

Li G, Wu X, Hu Y, Muñoz-Amatriaín M, Luo J, Zhou W, Wang B, Wang Y, Wu X, Huang L, Lu Z, Xu P* (2019) Orphan genes are involved in drought adaptations and ecoclimatic-oriented selections in domesticated cowpea. J Exp Bot. 70: 3101-3110.

Wu XY, Wang BG, Hu YW, Wu XH, Lu ZF, Wang Y, Li GJ, Xu P* (2018) Fine mapping Ruv2, a new rust resistance gene in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), to a 193-kb region enriched with NBS-type genes. Theor Appl Genet. 131: 2709-2718.

Xu P*, Wu X, Muñoz-Amatriaín M, Wang B, Wu X, Hu Y, Huynh BL, Close TJ, Roberts PA, Zhou W, Lu Z, Li G (2017) Genomic regions, cellular components and gene regulatory basis underlying pod length variations in cowpea (V. unguiculata L. Walp). Plant Biotechnol J 15: 547-557

Muñoz-Amatriaín M, Mirebrahim H, Xu P, Wanamaker SI, Luo M, Alhakami H, Alpert M, Atokple I, Batieno BJ, Boukar O, Bozdag S, Cisse N, Drabo I, Ehlers JD, Farmer A, Fatokun C, Gu YQ, Guo YN, Huynh BL, Jackson SA, Kusi F, Lawley CT, Lucas MR, Ma Y, Timko MP, Wu J, You F, Roberts PA, Lonardi S, Close TJ (2017) Genome resources for climate-resilient cowpea, an essential crop for food security. Plant J. 89, 1042-1054

Xu P*, Xu S, Wu X, Tao Y, Wang B, Wang S, Qin D, Lu Z, Li G* (2014) Population genomic analyses from low-coverage RAD-Seq data: a case study on the non-model cucurbit bottle gourd. Plant J. 77: 430-442

Xu P, Wu XH, Wang BG, Luo J, Liu YH, Ehlers JD, Close TJ, Philip RA, Lu ZF, Wang S, Li GJ. (2012). Genome wide linkage disequilibrium in Chinese asparagus bean (Vigna. unguiculata ssp. sesquipedialis) germplasm: implications for domestication history and genome wide association studies. Heredity, 109: 34-40.

Xu P, Xiang Y, Zhu HL, Xu HB, Zhang ZZ et al. (2009). Wheat cryptochromes: subcellular localization and involvement in photomorphogenesis and osmotic stress responses. Plant Physiol 149: 760-774.

Xu P, Yang YW, Zhang ZZ, Chen WH, Zhang CQ et al. (2008). Expression of the nuclear gene TaFAd is under mitochondrial retrograde regulation in anthers of male sterile wheat plants with Timophevii cytoplasm. J Exp Bot 59: 1375-1381.

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